ChemAssist extends the functionality of eLabJournal specifically for chemistry laboratories that work with organic chemicals and organometallic molecules. ChemAssist introduces several features to our products, including a chemical registry, structural drawing, complex reaction drawing, fingerprinting/searching capabilities, and integration with SMILES.
ChemAssist is released as a beta version and may contain bugs that create irregular behaviour/glitches in the software or generate unexpected or incorrect results. By installing ChemAssist, you confirm that you understand the use of this add-on may cause irregularities and that eLabNext cannot be held responsible for any damage that this may cause. During this phase, eLabNext offers a free extended 1-year trial. Please contact eLabNext support for more information on how to apply for the extended free trial.
Note: ChemAssist is currently only available for customers with a Private Cloud or On-Premises installation. If you are a user of our public cloud, please contact eLabNext support to evaluate ChemAssist in our testing environments.
The ChemAssist add-on can be installed from the Marketplace. For the correct functionality of ChemAssist, please also install the Marvin JS add-on from the Marketplace.
Marketplace Add-on installationeLabNext offers a wide range of add-ons and integrations to enhance the functionality of your digital lab platform. The categories include biobanking, utilities, productivity, and reporting. The eLab Marketplace is conveniently available within the eLabNext platform, making it easy to find, install, and start using add-ons immediately. To install an add-on, navigate to the Marketplace tab and choose "Install" for the add-on you'd like to add. Depending on the add-on or your organization-wide settings, some add-ons might already be installed for you by default. |
ChemAssist Configuration
Once ChemAssist has been installed, users can complete the add-on configuration in the Marketplace to enable or disable the following ChemAssist features:
- Display chemical structure when added in the table view of the Sample List and Sample Archive
- Enable MarvinJS chemical structure as field type in Sample Types
- Enables structure search within the Sample Advanced Search
- Display a preview of a chemical structure in the experiment name